our stay is made more pleasant as we offer a wide range of cuisines including Chinese, Continental, Indian as well as some popular local dishes that you may have just heard about from a local that you are friends with. Our delicious food is another reason to stay with us. Laundry services are also available along with car parking facilities if you have driven all the way to the Queen of the Hills-Darjeeling.
When you stay with us, you will be staying in the heart of the town and you would not regret choosing us for your stay to experience the daily small town life while sipping your hot cup of tea with a mesmerizing view of Kanchenjanga from your cozy room in a chilled morning. Some of the most popular sightseeing points of Darjeeling can be reached on foot owing to the prime location of our hotel.We would love to receive you with open arms and help us help you to have a wonderful stay in our beautiful small town.
Hotel Category: 3-Star
Accommodation will only be provided to guestswhose details are registered with hotel reception.
Guests will be provided with a room key only upon arrival and after completing the registration at the hotel’s reception desk.
Due to the fact that the hotel is located in a residential area it is required that guests, particularly those in groups are respective in regards to noise during the evenings.